Abdominal Ultrasound
Island Mobile Paws Veterinary Services offers diagnostic ultrasound services to veterinary colleagues in their practices.
Abdominal ultrasound is useful diagnostic tool for evaluating abdominal organs, looking for fluid in the abdominal cavity, and finding masses.
Additionally, abdominal ultrasound allows targeted sampling of an organ, lymph node or mass with fine needle aspiration. These samples are then sent to veterinary laboratories and evaluated under the microscope to help establish a diagnosis. Often only light sedation is needed to get these samples.
While diagnostic ultrasound can be useful for many diseases, it is also used to check for pregnancy in dogs and cats at an earlier stage than radiographs or palpation exam.
Diagnostic ultrasound is available in your regular veterinarian’s clinic where there are both staff members to help and sedative drugs available if needed to make the experience less stressful for patients.